To place an order with Grand Froid, follow these simple steps:

  1. Browse our Website: Navigate through our different product categories to find the items you're interested in.

  2. Add Products to Cart: On each product page, click the "Add to Cart" button to place the item into your shopping cart.

  3. Review Your Cart: Once you've selected all the desired products, click on the cart icon at the top right of the page to view your order summary.

  4. Proceed to Checkout: Click the "CHECKOUT" button to access our secure payment process. Fill in your shipping information, choose your preferred payment method, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your order.

  5. Order Confirmation: After successfully placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation containing order details, including a tracking number if applicable.

If, for any reason, you prefer not to place your order online, feel free to contact us directly.

You can request assistance via email by sending a message to with the subject line "order help."

Please don't hesitate to specify the products you wish to order in your message. Our customer service team will be happy to assist you by getting in touch with you.

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Delivery charge free
from 1000 € *CEE Only
Secure payment
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at your service